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Celebrities Before/After PhotoshopCelebrities Before/After Photoshop

#1 Jennifer Lawrence Jennifer Lawrence is known for her man-like confidence on screen in roles such as Hunger Games and Silver Linings Playbook, but it appears these editors wanted to trim the macho appeal for this ad.   #2 Johnathan Rhys Meyers Who needs a spray tan when you have photo shop? The…

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Girls Shoulder TattoosGirls Shoulder Tattoos

There are many popular locations on the body for cute tattoo ideas for girls. Some of the most popular placements include the lower back, the shoulders, around the ankles, around the wrists, on the fingers, around the waist, on the feet, or on the hips. So how do you find the best tattoo design…

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2013 New Asian and Korean Fashion Style2013 New Asian and Korean Fashion Style

Fashion is an ever changing concept. Fashion lies icon style, fashion lies in presentation, fashion lies in the way you talk and also on the way you perceive things. style changes from country to country. The concept is differently practiced in different places depending on the climate and…

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